Friday, 3 May 2013

Burette calibration, Measuring Cylinders calibration,Mettler Weights Calibration

We believe our words and works to be clean and ethical. We strive to be faithful to ourselves for an unquenchable thirst for precision and perfection. In calibration, we have set world class standards with our vast expertise and most modern infrastructure for the calibration laboratory, eventually providing airtight measure of quality for our client's products.
Calibration is a comparison between measurements – one of known magnitude(standard) or correctness made or set with one device and another measurement made in as similar a way as possible with a second device(Unit under test). The definition of True Value is :``a value compatible with the definition of a given particular quantity.'' At True Value Calibration Services, we redefine the true value!
Accreditation is a process in which certification of competency, authority, or credibility is presented. True Value Calibration Services (TVCS) is a calibration laboratory accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL), which is an autonomous body under the aegis of Department of Science & Technology, Government of India.
Our Scope of calibration are E1, E2, F1, F2, M1, M2 & M3 Class weights, Cast Iron Weights, Specialized weights like Slotted weights, hook weights, Micro Balances, Semi Micro Balances, Analytical Balances, Precision Balances, Bench Scales, Platform Scales and Weigh Bridges. We calibrate weights that are manufactured by Sensortron, Mettler, Sartorius, Ohaus, Troemner, Weigh India etc., Our Calibration capability is from 1mg to 50kg. Our scope also includes calibration of Micro-pipette, Pipette, Burette, Beakers, Measuring Cylinders, Conical flasks and all other volumetric glass wares. Our Calibration capability is from 10 µl to 5 Litre. We also calibrate Push Pull gauges/Force gauges up to 100 kgf
TVCS also offers calibration of Thermal and Humidity Parameters. In Thermal, we have the capability of 
-100⁰ C to 1800⁰ C. In Humidity, we have the capability from 15 % Rh to 95 % Rh. Thus we can offer calibration services for Thermocouples, RTD, Temperature Switch, Temperature Controller, Hot air oven, Deep Freezers, Environmental chambers, Autoclaves, Incubators, Humidity Chambers, Thermo hygrometers, Pyrometers, Thermometers etc.,
Apart from the Calibration activity, TVCS provides servicing of Load Cells. We service all brands like HBM, Sensortronics, Celtron, Revere, Schwing Stetter, Tedea Huntleigh, etc., and any capacities. We do the complete re-gauging of the Load Cells and the only company to offer 6 months after service warranty!!True Value Calibration Services is manufacturing standard stainless steel weights, brass weights, cast iron weights, slotted weights and many special weights.